The ATTRACTING Group Program with Journey & Jaime!

The ATTRACTING Group Program with Journey & Jaime!


A 3 month group program for women wanting to attract more confidence, joy, abundance, and love into their life.

Each week Journey and Jaime will lead the group through connecting conversations to inspire you to take aligned action in your life.

We will cover topics important to all of us such a confidence, self acceptance, manifestation, anxiety, relationships, sex, abundance, meditation and so much more. We will also have guest speakers joining us once a month to share their zone of genius on related topics to add to the depth of this group.

You will leave each group call with tangible tools for stepping into your best self while feeling connected to other like minded, high vibing women who will support you every step of the way.

The energy of this group will be next level and we want you to be there for it!

Join before December 1st for only $99/month!

Group Calls begin Monday, January 23rd at 7:30pm PST and happen weekly on Mondays online.

*Note: There will be a FREE bonus call Monday 16th that you can invite your friends to where we’ll be guiding you through Meditation & Breathwork

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